What a shower - and not the kind we need, either!

Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials
20 July 2022

The 3rd-rate soap opera in the House of Commons continued this week. On Monday Johnson gave his last fond farewell before facing Wednesday’s final PMQs. And very fond it was - as he recalled his wondrous 2½ years play-acting as World King. He didn’t even realise that the confidence vote he was supposed to be speaking against was tabled by his own party!

   The benches behind him were empty, but there was enough of his shrunken fan-club left - including his latest assortment of ministers in the front - to shout and applaud his highly over-waxed lyrics.

   In fact Johnson seems to think that everyone has totally forgotten that 20,000 elderly people were literally wiped out in 2 months in 2020, thanks to his criminal Covid policy (“scientifically advised” by Laurel Whitty and Hardy Vallance, at all times!) which even put Johnson himself into intensive care!

   He imagines that nobody’s noticed that Brexit’s not done, that he’s messed up in Northern Ireland, lost trade, vital supplies and above all, key workers! And screwed 4% off his “world-beating” economy! Not to mention the total NHS collapse, the inhuman relegation of the Afghan people, refugee deportations, or thrusting 25% of (mostly working) people below the breadline...

   The list of his cock-ups is too long to mention. So more’s the pity that he was sacked by his own ministers over “internal” errors of judgement rather than the criminal policies he implemented against the rest of us, during his short “rule”.

   There’s method in ministers’ madness of course. They all went along with these policies. And now some of them are vying for his crown, in order to continue the very same policies, only worse, ensuring that the working class pays for the ever-deepening crisis!

   At the time of writing the remaining 3 candidates are out to prove what “real” Tories they are. Given the antique laws and unwritten British constitution which determine British political life, the new PM will rule, like it or not. But even if there was an election, where is the “political alternative” which stands for the interests of ordinary people - of the workers who produce all the wealth in society?

   The answer is that it doesn’t exist; not yet. It has to be built. And that’s our next - and most urgent - task.