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Class Struggle
Published by Workers' Fight - Britain
Jul/Aug 1998
Britain - The minimum wage and the pay squeeze
Britain - Genetically engineered food - inedible arguments
Indonesia - The fall of Suharto
India-Pakistan - Nuclear overbidding, reactionary drift and western hypocrisy
Russia - Crises in the former soviet union
May/Jun 1998
Britain - Year one of Blair's era is over...
Britain - The TUC leaders' mild fit over union recognition
Northern Ireland - After the "peace agreement" - towards an Anglo-Irish Union?
Sierra Leone - "Gunboat democracy" in Britain's West African backyard
USA - "Teamsters for a Democratic Union" and the Brotherhood
Mar/Apr 1998
Britain - Blair's imperialist posturing!
Northern Ireland - The sectarian nature of the "peace process"
France - The unemployed against the "plural left" government
South Korea - After the financial crisis, the working class under attack
Algeria - Escalating terrorist violence against populations
Russia - The bureaucracy "privatises" its own state
Jan/Feb 1998
Britain - Blair's attacks against the poor - Labour's respectful "rebels"
Britain - The "New NHS": superhighway to cost-cutting
France - Blairite policies in Socialist party wrapping
Japan - The world's second imperialism hit by the financial crisis
Africa - After the latest coup in Congo-Brazzaville, the changing forms of imperialist domination and rivalries
Oct/Nov 1997
Britain - Blair's 150 days in office
Britain - Labour, the union leadership and the bosses' drive against wages
Britain - Beyond the Montserrat relief scandal - the remains of a defunct empire
Northern Ireland - "Peace process" mark II
France - Four months of socialist government
Jul/Aug 1997
Britain - After the Tories' collapse, Labour's austerity drive
Britain - Insidious attacks against the right of women to abortion
Ireland - Five years of austerity policy and fake economic "success"
France - After the general election
China - Hong Kong re-united with China... through the world market
Apr/May 1997
Britain - Revolutionaries and the May 1st general election
Britain - The union bureaucracy and Labour's return to office
France - The lethal threat of the National Front will have to be met with a working class counter-offensive
South Korea - Working class militancy and the myths of the "economic miracle"
Algeria - What way out for the Algerian peoplen caught in the war between the army and the Fundamentalists?
Jan/Feb 1997
Britain - The Tories on their way out - and then what?
The working class has nothing to fear from European integration
Central Africa - Behind the refugee crisis, multinationals and imperialist rivalries
Italy - A left opposition inside the Communist Refoundation Party
World Economy - "Globalisation", a trendy term which obscures rather than clarifies the reality of imperialism
Oct/Nov 1996
Britain - The election, "New Labour" and the trade- union link
Britain - Summer strikes - the trade union machineries reassert themselves
Britain - Militant Labour and the "mass socialist party"
Kurdistan - The Kurdish people, victims of the imperialist order and their own leaders' policy
Zimbabwe - The working class' resistance to Mugabe's regime
Jul/Aug 1996
Britain - From the BSE crisis to the "beef war": nationalist demagogy and the contradictions of Europe
Britain - The Job Seekers' Allowance and the fight against the casualisation of the working class
Northern Ireland - The drift of the "peace process" from a sham to a farce
Middle East - Israel and the Lebanese problem
Russia - A presidential campaign in a period of economic, political and social crisis