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Union Communiste Internationaliste
Travailleurs de tous les pays, unissez-vous !
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Class Struggle
Published by Workers' Fight - Britain
Mar 2000
Britain - Blair's first three years and the bosses' offensive
Britain - A reactionary policy against political asylum
Northern Ireland - The political process is suspended, but not the plans of British capital
France - Behind the 35-hour law, handouts to the bosses
Ivory Coast - After the coup
Jan/Feb 2000
Britain - Livingstone's bid for mayor and the revolutionary left
Britain - Racism and the union machineries at Ford-Dagenham
Britain - Public education under attack
Russia - Yeltsin's succession and the war in Chechnya
Pakistan - After Musharraf's coup
nov 1999
Britain - The record of railway privatisation: from sell-off to slaughter
Britain - Big landowners - capitalist interests under a "feudal" cloak
World Economy - The parasitism of finance capital and its impact on production
Colombia - US imperialism and the war on drugs
Russia - Through the "Russia-gate" looking glass
sept/oct 1999
Britain - Blair's "lesser of two evils" blackmail
Britain - "Crusade against poverty" or against... the poor?
East Timor - Blood on the hands of imperialism
Turkey - The faults of the earth's crust and those... of the regime
Third World - Beyond the demand for debt cancellation
Jul/Aug 1999
Britain - Two years on - "New" Labour and the union machineries
Ex-Yugoslavia - The temporary end of a bloody war
Northern Ireland - From crisis to crisis, the wheeling and dealing goes on
South Africa - Tensions and contradictions within the ANC- led ruling alliance
France - Five Trotskyist deputies in the European parliament
Apr 1999
Kosovo-Serbia - Against the barbarism of ethnic war, against the barbarism of the bombing, for the right of people to self-determination
Labour's two-year bill for the working class
USA - A 25-year slide in workers' living standards
Russia - The crisis of post-Soviet agriculture is aggravated by "reforms" and Western "food relief"
Italy - The conference of Rifondazione Communista
Mar 1999
Britain - The resurgence of a New Labour Left?
Kurdistan- After the arrest of Abdullah Ocalan
Iran - Twenty years on: the "Islamic Republic" full steam ahead for Islamic capital
Russia - Ten years of changes
France - A revolutionary communist slate in the June euro- election
France - LO conference resolution on the political situation in France
France - LO conference resolution on joint LO-LCR slate
France - Joint LO-LCR euro-election address
Jan/Feb 1999
Britain - Labour bombs Iraq on behalf of British capital
Britain - Crab-walking into the euro
Britain - Private Blair on the warpath against public services
Brazil - The evolution of the Workers' Party
Ivory Coast - The land reform and its meaning for the poor masses
Nov/Dec 1998
Britain - Rover's blackmail over jobs and the fight against the profit drive
Chile - Twenty-five years after
Congo - Torn apart by armed groups and imperialist rivalries
Kosovo - Destruction, killing and displaced populations
Sept/Oct 1998
Britain - Recession or not, something needs to be done about it
Northern Ireland - An infamous device aimed not at "terrorism" but at all opponents
World financial crisis - A self-feeding crisis mechanism
Sudan - On the frontline of imperialist rivalries
Cuba - Forty years of US belligerence