Let's keep letting Macron know that we are against him and his policies! Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 16 October 2017
Against the attacks by Macron and the bosses: carry on and amplify the movement! Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter September 25, 2017
On September 21: Let’s join the fight... and then keep fighting! Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 18 September 2017
Standing for our common interests on September 12 and after Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 10 September 2017
September 12: Workers must protest against the government’s frontal attack Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 4 September 2017
Against the government's anti-working class, let’s mobilise our ranks on September 12 Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter August 28, 2017
We must refuse the savagery of both terrorism and capitalism Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter August 21, 2017
Trump and North Korea: we need to fight this imperialist madness Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter August 16, 2017
Neymar, the Olympics and the dream merchants who govern us Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter August 7, 2017