We can't afford this reckless system which thrives on war and poverty! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 12 April 2017
The profiteers and their politicians are the "enemy within"! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 5 April 2017
Vote Nathalie Arthaud so that the working-class can be heard Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 3 April 2017
Brexit or not, the working class can and should make its voice heard! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 29 March 2017
Vote for Nathalie Arthaud to make sure that the workers' side is heard Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 27 March 2017
With Nathalie Arthaud, let's make the working class voice ring out Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 20 March 2017
All workers are part of the same class, sharing the same interests! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 15 March 2017
To create jobs and increase wages, dig into corporate profits! Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 13 March 2017