Fillon, Le Pen, Macron, Hamon - the great scramble to serve the rich Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 6 February 2017
Brexit Britain has its own Trumps - and we'll have to deal with them! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 1st February 2017
Hamon and Fillon : the creator of pipe-dreams and the sworn enemy of workers. Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 30 January 2017
Hamon and Valls: two sides of the same coin in a Socialist Party pandering to big business Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 23 January 2017
The "best deal" for the bosses can only be the worst for the working class! Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 18 January 2017
Against the politicians' hot air, workers must voice their demands Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 16 January 2017
2017 - only our struggles can change this rotten capitalist world Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 11 January 2017
2017: the profiteers will need to be kicked where it hurts them Workers' Fight workplace bulletin editorials 4 January 2017