To create jobs and increase wages, dig into corporate profits! Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 13 March 2017
Presidential election : For workers' demands to be heard, vote for Nathalie Arthaud Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 6 March 2017
The presidential election Nathalie Arthaud wants the workers' voice to be heard Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 27 February 2017
Police violence: the state and its police against the working class Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 20 February 2017
Police brutality against black youth shows just how barbaric the system is. Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 13 February 2017
Fillon, Le Pen, Macron, Hamon - the great scramble to serve the rich Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 6 February 2017
Hamon and Fillon : the creator of pipe-dreams and the sworn enemy of workers. Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 30 January 2017
Hamon and Valls: two sides of the same coin in a Socialist Party pandering to big business Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 23 January 2017
Against the politicians' hot air, workers must voice their demands Lutte Ouvrière workplace newsletter 16 January 2017